Can i watch tv on imac a1200
Can i watch tv on imac a1200

can i watch tv on imac a1200

Click on one of the HiDPI modes to enable it on your desired display. Click Scaled to reveal additional resolutions and you’ll see one or more options at the bottom of the list with “(HiDPI)” appended to their resolutions. Most users will likely have the “Default for Display” option checked, which is typically your display’s native resolution. Here you’ll see the familiar preference window where you can set your resolution and refresh rate.

  • Next, reboot your Mac and, upon logging back in, head to System Preferences and click on Displays.
  • can i watch tv on imac a1200

  • Then press Return to execute the command and, because this is a “sudo” command, enter your admin password when prompted.
  • $ sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true
  • Fire up a new Terminal window and then copy and paste the following command:.

  • Can i watch tv on imac a1200